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Number of items: 25.

Iliasov, Alexei (2012) Augmenting formal development with use case reasoning. In: Proc. of the 17th International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies (Ada-Europe 2012). Stockholm, Sweden. June 11-15, 2012. Springer.

Iliasov, Alexei (2011) Use case scenarios as verification conditions: Event-B/Flow approach. In: Software Engineering for Resilient Systems, Proc. of 3rd International Workshop. September 29-30, 2011 Geneva, Switzerland. LNCS (6968). Springer, pp. 9-23. ISBN 978-3-642-24123-9

Laibinis, Linas and Troubitsyna, Elena and Iliasov, Alexei and Romanovsky, Alexander (2011) Formal Approach to Ensuring Interoperability of Mobile Agents. In: Handbook of Research on Mobile Software Engineering: Design Implementation and Emergent Applications. IGI Global. ISBN ISBN13: 9781615206551

Grotsev, Denis and Iliasov, Alexei and Romanovsky, Alexander (2011) Formal Stepwise Development of Scalable and Reliable Multiagent Systems. In: Dependability and Computer Engineering: Concepts for Software-Intensive Systems. IGI Global. ISBN ISBN13: 9781609607470

Iliasov, Alexei and Laibinis, Linas and Troubitsyna, Elena and Romanovsky, Alexander (2011) Formal Derivation of a Distributed Program in Event B. In: Proc of ICFEM 2011: 13th International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods. 26th—28th October 2011, Durham, United Kingdom. Springer.

Tarasyuk, Anton and Troubitsyna, Elena and Laibinis, Linas (2011) Quantitative Reasoning about Dependability in Event-B: Probabilistic Model Checking Approach. In: Dependability and Computer Engineering: Concepts for Software-Intensive Systems. IGI GLobal.

Prokhorova, Yuliya and Troubitsyna, Elena and Laibinis, Linas and Kharchenko, Vyacheslav (2011) Development of Safety-Critical Control Systems in Event-B Using FMEA. In: Dependability and Computer Engineering: Concepts for Software-Intensive Systems. IGI Global, IGI Global Publishing, USA, pp. 75-91. ISBN 978-1-60960-747-0

Jones, Cliff B (2010) From problem frames to HJJ. In: Software Requirements and Design: The Work of Michael Jackson. Good Friends Publishing Company, pp. 357-372. ISBN 978-0-557-44467-0

Bryans, Jeremy W. and Fitzgerald, John S. and Romanovsky, Alexander and Roth, A. (2010) Patterns for Modelling Time and Consistency in Business Information Systems. In: 15th IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems. Oxford, UK. March, 2010. IEEE Computer Society.

Jones, C.B. and Roscoe, A.W. (2010) Insight, inspiration and collaboration. In: Reflections on the work of C.A.R. Hoare. Springer, pp. 1-32.

Jones, C. B. (2010) The role of auxiliary variables in the formal development of concurrent programs. In: Reflections on the work of C.A.R. Hoare. Springer, pp. 167-188.

Iliasov, Alexei and Troubitsyna, Elena and Laibinis, Linas and Romanovsky, Alexander (2010) Patterns for Refinement Automation. In: Formal Methods for Components and Objects - 8th International Symposium, FMCO 2009, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, November 4-6, 2009. Revised Selected Papers. LNCS (6286). Springer, pp. 70-88. ISBN 978-3-642-17070-6

Samia, Mireille and Leuschel, Michael (2009) Pie Tree Visualization. In: Proceedings SEKE 2009. Knowledge Systems Institute Graduate School, pp. 400-405.

Iliasov, Alexei and Arief, Budi and Romanovsky, Alexander (2009) Step-wise Development of Resilient Ambient Campus Scenarios. In: Methods, Models and Tools for Fault Tolerance. Springer, pp. 304-330.

Butler, Michael (2008) Incremental Design of Distributed Systems with Event-B. In: Marktoberdorf Summer School 2008 Lecture Notes. IoS. (In Press)

Leuschel, Michael and Fontaine, Marc (2008) Probing the Depths of CSP-M: A New FDR-Compliant Validation Tool. In: Proceedings of ICFEM 2008. Springer-Verlag, pp. 278-297.

Leuschel, Michael (2008) Declarative Programming for Verification: Lessons and Outlook. In: Proceedings of PPDP'2008. ACM Press.

Leuschel, Michael (2008) The High Road to Formal Validation: Model Checking High-Level versus Low-Level Specifications. In: Proceedings ABZ'2008. Springer-Verlag, pp. 4-23.

Spermann, Corinna and Leuschel, Michael (2008) ProB gets Nauty: Effective Symmetry Reduction for B and Z Models. In: Proceedings of TASE 2008. IEEE Press, pp. 15-22.

Jones, Cliff B and Pierce, Ken G (2008) Splitting atoms with rely/guarantee conditions coupled with data reification. In: ABZ2008. Springer, LNCS, pp. 360-377.

Hughes, John R.D and Jones, Cliff B (2008) Reasoning about programes via operational semantics: Requirement for a support system. In: Automated Software Engineering. Springer.

Jones, Cliff B. (2008) Some interdisciplinary observations about getting the ``right'' specification. In: Verified Software: Theories, Tools, Experiments. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (4171). Springer, pp. 64-69.

Leuschel, Michael and Falampin, Jérôme and Fabian, Fritz and Daniel, Plagge Automated Property Verification for Large Scale B Models. In: Proceedings FM 2009. Springer-Verlag. (In Press)

Hallerstede, Stefan and Leuschel, Michael and Plagge, Daniel Refinement-Animation for Event-B - Towards a Method of Validation. In: Proceedings ABZ 2010. LNCS . Springer-Verlag. (In Press)

Iliasov, Alexei and Laibinis, Linas and Troubitsyna, Elena and Romanovsky, Alexander and Latvala, Timo Augmenting Event-B Modelling with Real-Time Verification. In: Proc. of Workshop on Formal Methods in Software Engineering: Rigorous and Agile Approaches held in conjunction with ICSE 2012. 2 June 2012, Zurich, Switzerland. ACM.

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