"377","Assessment of the Evolution of the RODIN Open Source platform","The RODIN platform is an Open Source extensible Eclipse-based IDE for Event-B that provides effective support for refinement and mathematical proof. RODIN emerged out of the RODIN FP6 Project (2004-2007). It is still actively supported by the European Commission through the Deploy FP7 project (2008-2012) and the FP7 ADVANCED project (2011-2014). Over the years RODIN has known a growing success from a usage point of view, as show by its download statistics on figure 1. However in order to assess the long term sustainability of RODIN, it is important to pay a closer look at key Open Source characteristics of the project and of the community that formed around it.","http://deploy-eprints.ecs.soton.ac.uk/377/","Ponsard, Christophe and Flamand, Jacques and Deprez, Jean-Christophe","UNSPECIFIED"," Ponsard, Christophe and Flamand, Jacques and Deprez, Jean-Christophe (2012) Assessment of the Evolution of the RODIN Open Source platform. In: Rodin User and Developer Workshop 2012, 28-28 February 2012, Fontainebleau. ","christophe.ponsard@cetic.be,jacques.flamand@cetic.be,jcd@cetic.be","2012-02-29"