"269","Model-based testing in the enterprise software domain - past and future initiatives","The testing of enterprise software poses various challenges that require a lot of effort using classical testing approaches. Model-based testing (MBT) showed its potential to improve this on several dimensions including better coverage and increased productivity both on system integration and UI-based scenario testing. In this talk we describe SAP’s recent history of MBT initiatives. A special focus is put on the identified industrial challenges, future directions inside SAP, and proposals for a global alignment of industry and academia.","http://deploy-eprints.ecs.soton.ac.uk/269/","Wieczorek, Sebastian and Stefanescu, Alin","UNSPECIFIED"," Wieczorek, Sebastian and Stefanescu, Alin (2010) Model-based testing in the enterprise software domain - past and future initiatives. In: Dagstuhl-Seminar 10421 \"Model-Based Testing in Practice\". ","","2010"